My flatmate for 2 years in London was from Norwich, and the picture he painted of it was a small little hamlet full of pikey kids, inbreds and general metrosexual tools. According to this edit, it's a bit bigger than he suggested and also has some pretty fun looking spots! Saw this over on Streetphire!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year...
Last day of '09, have a good '10!
Last blog post of the year has some good stuff in it - Ride UK have been doing "Highlights of 2009" posts with a select few riders. Next up is Owain Clegg and it's a pretty good read. Check it out here.
It's taken all year to do it, but in the last day of 2009 the Shadow Conspiracy have made a T-shirt I actually like. Go over to Defgrip to view the collection!
Brad Simms is awesome, and today TCU posted up an old part of his from Broke Off. I put his NYC web edit up before, click his label down there to go check it out. It's well worth it...
Another cold, snowy day means another day I'm jealous of the weather they have over in Texas - check out this scene report that I saw over on Dig.
I've just spent the past few hours trying to sort out car insurance. That sucked, but at least it's done now, so I'm off for a quick ride before working out what I'm doing tonight. Wherever you end up, have a good one.
Last blog post of the year has some good stuff in it - Ride UK have been doing "Highlights of 2009" posts with a select few riders. Next up is Owain Clegg and it's a pretty good read. Check it out here.
It's taken all year to do it, but in the last day of 2009 the Shadow Conspiracy have made a T-shirt I actually like. Go over to Defgrip to view the collection!
Brad Simms is awesome, and today TCU posted up an old part of his from Broke Off. I put his NYC web edit up before, click his label down there to go check it out. It's well worth it...
Another cold, snowy day means another day I'm jealous of the weather they have over in Texas - check out this scene report that I saw over on Dig.
I've just spent the past few hours trying to sort out car insurance. That sucked, but at least it's done now, so I'm off for a quick ride before working out what I'm doing tonight. Wherever you end up, have a good one.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to...
I think I posted up Chase Hawk's prototype signature Cult (Apparently the graphics say 'CVLT', but bearing in mind we've now worked out how to include curves in type-faces I'm still going with 'Cult') frame before, but Adam from TCU just threw up some links to Dakota Roche and Chase Dehart's setups. Not super keen myself, but then again my ideas about frames probably aren't the same as you.

Click here to see more of Dakota's setup, and here for Chase Dehart's.
Having lived by South Bank for 3 years, I got pretty used to having a decent under-cover winter spot. Unfortunately, I then moved to Newcastle (pre warehouse setup) where it rained all the time and had no under-cover spot after the death of Get Carter, and now I'm in Mid Wales where it's just rainy and snowy, with no covered over spot. Luckily for Alex Kennedy, he's got a pretty ideal Sainsburys car park to get rad in, which he does in this video. Some pretty cool stuff on the go here:
While we're on riding videos, Josh Betley's section from something I don't know about called "Gotta Blast". Regardless, here it is:
Lastly, this is a video featuring a rider, but isn't a riding video. You'll see:
Taken from BMXWonderland (Which I'd never heard of before), via Defgrip.

Click here to see more of Dakota's setup, and here for Chase Dehart's.
Having lived by South Bank for 3 years, I got pretty used to having a decent under-cover winter spot. Unfortunately, I then moved to Newcastle (pre warehouse setup) where it rained all the time and had no under-cover spot after the death of Get Carter, and now I'm in Mid Wales where it's just rainy and snowy, with no covered over spot. Luckily for Alex Kennedy, he's got a pretty ideal Sainsburys car park to get rad in, which he does in this video. Some pretty cool stuff on the go here:
While we're on riding videos, Josh Betley's section from something I don't know about called "Gotta Blast". Regardless, here it is:
Lastly, this is a video featuring a rider, but isn't a riding video. You'll see:
Taken from BMXWonderland (Which I'd never heard of before), via Defgrip.
Monday, December 28, 2009
No Xmas Xcess
I didn't actually eat til I died over the past three/four days, so I consider that to be a personal victory. Anyway, in the new Ride UK (Which is really good, and well worth purchasing) there's a pretty hefty 14-page long interview with Nathan Williams. They filmed a bunch of the stuff that ended up in the interview itself, then put an edit up on their site. And here it is.
Coalition seem to be trying to piece together a new team, and one of the new team riders is Little Tammy (I refuse to use the word 'lil', or any derivative of it).
Not a long update today, and apologies for that, but it's late, I'm tired, and in "It's my birthday tomorrow" news, it's my birthday tomorrow.
Coalition seem to be trying to piece together a new team, and one of the new team riders is Little Tammy (I refuse to use the word 'lil', or any derivative of it).
Not a long update today, and apologies for that, but it's late, I'm tired, and in "It's my birthday tomorrow" news, it's my birthday tomorrow.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
As a Christmas bonus, Ride UK have put up their awesome video No Front Teeth. The video shows it's age a bit in terms of how ridiculously young certain people in there look, the tricks being done and bike setups in general, but it's still amazing and well worth a watch. I used to watch it pretty much every day when I first got hold of it, and some sections on it are still my favourites out of any DVD.
Click here to check it out.
Click here to check it out.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Lunchtime videotechque.
Couple of gems appeared on Defgrip today - first up, this brand-spanking-new Mutiny/Josh Bedford edit by Joe Cox:
Then in their convenient "Related" section, a pretty bangin' Stefan Lantschner edit from a few months ago that's very much worth a watch again:
Both of those dudes have some pretty ideal signature frames out too, Josh's Lucky Strike and Stefan's Montana. Om nom nom...

EDIT: Bit of outside help for this courtesy of IMG in the comments sections, here's the Montana:

Couple of semi-local-ish edits too, with Adolfo putting in an edit for Amity and Cal (who co-wrote the Southampton scene report in the new issue of Case) putting together an Odessa edit from Holland (which I spotted over on Ride UK, who have the accompanying article in the latest issue):
Tom Perry is a pretty rad dude who happens to be awesome at general art-related stuff, but also at riding. His part in the Give D video was cool (click his name tag to find it), and this new Odyssey edit is most definitely worthy of your time too - not least because it features the best manny to three I've ever seen in it. That's how you do 'em, not that manny to 3-tap business...
This green thai chicken soup is both tasty and not going to eat itself, so byyyyeeeee.
Then in their convenient "Related" section, a pretty bangin' Stefan Lantschner edit from a few months ago that's very much worth a watch again:
Both of those dudes have some pretty ideal signature frames out too, Josh's Lucky Strike and Stefan's Montana. Om nom nom...

EDIT: Bit of outside help for this courtesy of IMG in the comments sections, here's the Montana:

Couple of semi-local-ish edits too, with Adolfo putting in an edit for Amity and Cal (who co-wrote the Southampton scene report in the new issue of Case) putting together an Odessa edit from Holland (which I spotted over on Ride UK, who have the accompanying article in the latest issue):
Tom Perry is a pretty rad dude who happens to be awesome at general art-related stuff, but also at riding. His part in the Give D video was cool (click his name tag to find it), and this new Odyssey edit is most definitely worthy of your time too - not least because it features the best manny to three I've ever seen in it. That's how you do 'em, not that manny to 3-tap business...
This green thai chicken soup is both tasty and not going to eat itself, so byyyyeeeee.
Monday, December 21, 2009
I'm really, really tired, so apologies if this doesn't have the usual zing...
Eric Lichtenburger had a stand-out part in Sunday's DVD, and has had a few sweet webvids out - this newest one, for Lotek, is in a similar vein. Observe:
I haven't been able to ride for 2 weeks now due to the weather, and yet more snow last night hasn't really helped in that respect. If only I lived near Ray's park in the US - especially with their new Rhythm Room. That looks sweeeet!
Ride UK had some cool stuff up today, first off is this Harry Main bikecheck:
And secondly is this 'wwwin' comp for a United Mothership frame. Click Here to enter!
T-1 have been pumping out Freaky Friday posts for a while now, and here's the culmination of that effort - the Freaky Friday 'zine. Read it and not necessarily weep, 'cos it's good.
In other 'zine news, Defgrip informed me today that Holeshot #6 is out now, so if you're into it, go buy it!
Haven't had a chance to watch this fully yet so apologies if it's not what you're after, you can't win 'em all. From Repset!
Posted this last week, but Scotty T's bars to manny to 180 and Newrick's various trickery make it worth posting again while it's reasonably fresh. I miss Newcastle.
And according to my lack of open Firefox tabs, I've pretty much covered everything I was going to. I'm now going to go home and bleed the radiators in our house not just because I can't ride and have fun, but also because waking up with ice on the inside of your windows sucks.
Winter: Do one.
Eric Lichtenburger had a stand-out part in Sunday's DVD, and has had a few sweet webvids out - this newest one, for Lotek, is in a similar vein. Observe:
I haven't been able to ride for 2 weeks now due to the weather, and yet more snow last night hasn't really helped in that respect. If only I lived near Ray's park in the US - especially with their new Rhythm Room. That looks sweeeet!
Ride UK had some cool stuff up today, first off is this Harry Main bikecheck:
And secondly is this 'wwwin' comp for a United Mothership frame. Click Here to enter!
T-1 have been pumping out Freaky Friday posts for a while now, and here's the culmination of that effort - the Freaky Friday 'zine. Read it and not necessarily weep, 'cos it's good.
In other 'zine news, Defgrip informed me today that Holeshot #6 is out now, so if you're into it, go buy it!
Haven't had a chance to watch this fully yet so apologies if it's not what you're after, you can't win 'em all. From Repset!
Posted this last week, but Scotty T's bars to manny to 180 and Newrick's various trickery make it worth posting again while it's reasonably fresh. I miss Newcastle.
And according to my lack of open Firefox tabs, I've pretty much covered everything I was going to. I'm now going to go home and bleed the radiators in our house not just because I can't ride and have fun, but also because waking up with ice on the inside of your windows sucks.
Winter: Do one.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Breakfa$t $hit
New from Davey Watson apparently, trailer for the full video? All good:
Odyssey have some new Adam Banton grips out with some new "Olastic Rubber" that's softer, but long lasting, meaning you can squeeze them down thinner even though they're 'normal' thickness when they're just on your bar. Bearing in mind the poetic license some manufacturers use when talking about their grips I'll believe it when I see and/or feel it, but who knows - maybe they're right...
Odyssey have some new Adam Banton grips out with some new "Olastic Rubber" that's softer, but long lasting, meaning you can squeeze them down thinner even though they're 'normal' thickness when they're just on your bar. Bearing in mind the poetic license some manufacturers use when talking about their grips I'll believe it when I see and/or feel it, but who knows - maybe they're right...
Really not fussed.
First off: It's good to know people are reading this.
Secondly: Part two (see what I did there?) of the Up In Smoke video Seventies made. Click the relevant tab doon thar for p1.
Thirdly: Saw that previous video over on Ride's site, where I also saw this cool feature from their new issue. Really wanna get a hold of that, looks like a corker.
Fourthly: Dan Foley is awesome. Evidence:
Fifthly: I am really hungry, so I'm gonna go pound some soup.
Secondly: Part two (see what I did there?) of the Up In Smoke video Seventies made. Click the relevant tab doon thar for p1.
Thirdly: Saw that previous video over on Ride's site, where I also saw this cool feature from their new issue. Really wanna get a hold of that, looks like a corker.
Fourthly: Dan Foley is awesome. Evidence:
Fifthly: I am really hungry, so I'm gonna go pound some soup.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Haha, amazing.
Harry Main tries a 900.
Harry Main doesn't land it.
Announcer: "Harry fires off 900's in his sleep."
Aaaah, irony. Anyway, this is Harry Main's winning run (and his not winning run first) from the recent T-Mobile comp that I don't really know much/care much about. Saw this over on Ride. 27 second long Need For Speed adverts: Do one. So glad you can skip them now...
The S&M team rule. As proof, this is from a session or two near their HQ:
ESPN have a Ryan Sher comp on, but you've got to sign up and register with them to even be considered for the prize and you don't really want to have to do that, so for your own protection, I'm not linking you to it - simply telling you about it. Literally all I can really remember about this video. It's park though, so I'm not really the best judge of it. I'm sure some people will be keen.
Flatbank pyramid setups are way more fun that they theoretically should be. In related news, warehouse setups rule. Here's Mike Taylor and friends getting involved:
Lastly, this is an amazing video. Again, the spectre of the concept of 'online premieres' rears it's ugly head, but that's something I don't really have the time or energy to really write about now. Click here anyway, it's really, really worth it.
Then come back here, dammit.
Harry Main doesn't land it.
Announcer: "Harry fires off 900's in his sleep."
Aaaah, irony. Anyway, this is Harry Main's winning run (and his not winning run first) from the recent T-Mobile comp that I don't really know much/care much about. Saw this over on Ride. 27 second long Need For Speed adverts: Do one. So glad you can skip them now...
The S&M team rule. As proof, this is from a session or two near their HQ:
ESPN have a Ryan Sher comp on, but you've got to sign up and register with them to even be considered for the prize and you don't really want to have to do that, so for your own protection, I'm not linking you to it - simply telling you about it. Literally all I can really remember about this video. It's park though, so I'm not really the best judge of it. I'm sure some people will be keen.
Flatbank pyramid setups are way more fun that they theoretically should be. In related news, warehouse setups rule. Here's Mike Taylor and friends getting involved:
Lastly, this is an amazing video. Again, the spectre of the concept of 'online premieres' rears it's ugly head, but that's something I don't really have the time or energy to really write about now. Click here anyway, it's really, really worth it.
Then come back here, dammit.
Newrick rules.
It's a fact, Jim Newrick rules. Unfortunately, this video's let down slightly by the amount of brutal cheating. There's literally no way that it was that sunny with blue skies in Newcastle over the summer - blue screened? In related news, people need to stop putting up awesome videos from Newcastle 'cos it's making me really want to move back up there.
The new Ride (#135) is out sooooon, featuring one of the nicest cover photos (and indeed designs) in aaaaaaaages. Check it oot, to quote a Scottish colleague of mine.

Go here for some sample spreads. Also got some samples of Chase Hawk's new Cult frame.
Not content with releasing some photos of a bangin' looking Tierra, Fly have bobbed up some new photos of the Pantera frame. Looks pretty fly ( Got some new Pantera bars too that are now 8.35" tall, and feature a non-kinky crossbar. Apparently Sergio learnt to work around a normal crossbar to get his no-handers done.

Precious little info on any geometry changes or anything, but hey ho.
The ever-interesting (for want of a better word) Miles Rogoish is now riding not just for fun, but also for Subrosa. Look, proof!
I've eaten too much fish and chips.a

Go here for some sample spreads. Also got some samples of Chase Hawk's new Cult frame.
Not content with releasing some photos of a bangin' looking Tierra, Fly have bobbed up some new photos of the Pantera frame. Looks pretty fly ( Got some new Pantera bars too that are now 8.35" tall, and feature a non-kinky crossbar. Apparently Sergio learnt to work around a normal crossbar to get his no-handers done.

Precious little info on any geometry changes or anything, but hey ho.
The ever-interesting (for want of a better word) Miles Rogoish is now riding not just for fun, but also for Subrosa. Look, proof!
I've eaten too much fish and chips.a
Monday, December 14, 2009
This video was put up 3 days ago according to Vimeo, but 'cos I was net-less at home I didn't see it. Regardless, saw it over on the Duffs site. Check it out, it rules:
There's only so much indoor park riding I can be bothered to watch in a 24 hour period, so unfortunately I only dedicated my time to this video, the Rye Airfield jam coverage (spotted on TCU. Some pretty handy riding of bicycles here...
And now, because I'm an equal opportunities poster, here's some street:
And here's some trails.
There's only so much indoor park riding I can be bothered to watch in a 24 hour period, so unfortunately I only dedicated my time to this video, the Rye Airfield jam coverage (spotted on TCU. Some pretty handy riding of bicycles here...
And now, because I'm an equal opportunities poster, here's some street:
And here's some trails.
'Ford Purple Velvet Metallic'
Best colour ever, photos soon (even if 'metallic velvet' doesn't make sense)!
Everyone in this video rules, watch it:
Tip of the hat to Pete for that thumbnail, and also for slow-mo'ing himself dead sailoring that bars. So good. In other dead sailor news, I saw a kid at Stoke plaza yesterday dead sailor a 5-set on a skateboard. I was totally unaware that it was possible to dead sailor a skateboard and actually roll out of it, but fair play to that fashion victim.
Bit of Union to lighten the wintery mood? Just played some pool at lunchtime in our non-heated warehouse - trying to type this is a nightmare.
Ben Hucke had this web-edit come out recently for Sputnic - dece:
Laaaaastly, this section from the 2x4 video was one of my favourites - Randy Brown (spotted this on Orchid's site), ripping. So good.
Said it before, and I'll say it again - Orchid's player does the neatest embed code ever!
Everyone in this video rules, watch it:
Tip of the hat to Pete for that thumbnail, and also for slow-mo'ing himself dead sailoring that bars. So good. In other dead sailor news, I saw a kid at Stoke plaza yesterday dead sailor a 5-set on a skateboard. I was totally unaware that it was possible to dead sailor a skateboard and actually roll out of it, but fair play to that fashion victim.
Bit of Union to lighten the wintery mood? Just played some pool at lunchtime in our non-heated warehouse - trying to type this is a nightmare.
Ben Hucke had this web-edit come out recently for Sputnic - dece:
Laaaaastly, this section from the 2x4 video was one of my favourites - Randy Brown (spotted this on Orchid's site), ripping. So good.
Said it before, and I'll say it again - Orchid's player does the neatest embed code ever!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Bits and/or bobs.
Firstly, two items rinsed from FBM - the bonus section from Gypsy 2our, and then the promo for Melon 3 from Tom Blyth's blog.
If you want to win the back wheel on Niki's bike in this photo:

Do what he says. Or else.
Dig put up the new specs for the new Tierra 2010 line. Just look at this frame:

In semi-related news, I once stripped a Tierra frame. It took a lot of time because it had apparently been comprised mainly of powdercoat rather than good old fashioned steel. Well, last night, I decided to strip my haggard looking A2B frame. 3 hours. 3 damn long hours of Nitromors and wire wool/brushes. That was some thick paint, and the rust-proofing didn't help much either.
Not worth it.
If you want to win the back wheel on Niki's bike in this photo:

Do what he says. Or else.
Dig put up the new specs for the new Tierra 2010 line. Just look at this frame:

In semi-related news, I once stripped a Tierra frame. It took a lot of time because it had apparently been comprised mainly of powdercoat rather than good old fashioned steel. Well, last night, I decided to strip my haggard looking A2B frame. 3 hours. 3 damn long hours of Nitromors and wire wool/brushes. That was some thick paint, and the rust-proofing didn't help much either.
Not worth it.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tiger stripes
All the D's.
First off, two videos I watched last night - ordered Attention Stalybridge and The Wythenshawe Waltz from Clarky a few days ago and got to watch them yesterday, back to back. Quality videos, really made me want to ride! Pity I live in the middle of nowhere, and it was raining...
Anyway, in complete contrast to those videos, here's a Demolition web-edit of Scott Hamlin:
If you go to the Ride site you can check out some photos too, and a Demolition banner that they must've paid some goooood money to have up there. The latest development in the online advertising/webvideo vs. print advertising/DVD war? Heard about this kicking off a while back, was waiting to see it drop... (As a little caveat, I've been out of the BMX internet loop for a while now so if it's already been used a bunch before... well, there we are.)
In related Demolition news, they've also got a December team mix up that I clocked over on Defgrip.
Deluxe (see, all the D's!) had a link up to a Fuel interview with the awesome Mark Mulville. Click his tag to check out some recent video-age, they're weeeell worth it.
Anyway, in complete contrast to those videos, here's a Demolition web-edit of Scott Hamlin:
If you go to the Ride site you can check out some photos too, and a Demolition banner that they must've paid some goooood money to have up there. The latest development in the online advertising/webvideo vs. print advertising/DVD war? Heard about this kicking off a while back, was waiting to see it drop... (As a little caveat, I've been out of the BMX internet loop for a while now so if it's already been used a bunch before... well, there we are.)
In related Demolition news, they've also got a December team mix up that I clocked over on Defgrip.
Deluxe (see, all the D's!) had a link up to a Fuel interview with the awesome Mark Mulville. Click his tag to check out some recent video-age, they're weeeell worth it.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
People's Store.
The People's Store are both awesome, and have a new video out riiiiight now. Some quality riding in this, check it out!
Lunchtime video spectacular?
Got a few choice video treats for you this lunch time...
TheMake have banged out another little short 'n' sweet web-edit, to celebrate the launch of some new items of clothing finery:
Miles has done another Tuesdays with..., this time featuring a place that looks preeeeeeeeeetty fun to ride.
Kriss Kyle appears to have gotten better, smoother, faster and somehow a lot older looking in the space between this edit and his last. This one's for BSD.
TheMake have banged out another little short 'n' sweet web-edit, to celebrate the launch of some new items of clothing finery:
Miles has done another Tuesdays with..., this time featuring a place that looks preeeeeeeeeetty fun to ride.
Kriss Kyle appears to have gotten better, smoother, faster and somehow a lot older looking in the space between this edit and his last. This one's for BSD.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Seventies have put their Up In Smoke video up online - some Pijin footage makes it worth the watch, haha. Hoglands RPRZNT.
Steve Bancroft: "You're not high fiving me for getting kissed by a man." Click that to understand more...
Ridge's park the Trick Factory is under threat - spotted this over on Ride's site, click here for some info. I'm not too sure how well Facebook groups and stuff work, but still, it's worth a pop!
Now for something not under threat - Simpel Session's back, and here's the promo. Get over there!
Steve Bancroft: "You're not high fiving me for getting kissed by a man." Click that to understand more...
Ridge's park the Trick Factory is under threat - spotted this over on Ride's site, click here for some info. I'm not too sure how well Facebook groups and stuff work, but still, it's worth a pop!
Now for something not under threat - Simpel Session's back, and here's the promo. Get over there!
Randy? S and M.
This dude now rides for Eclat, and is also a winner:
It's been a while since Randy Taylor's had an all-out banger section, so it's always good to see this again!
A bit of S&M for you too. I'm too kind.
If you've got a WTP Warrior frame, go here to win some stuff. Pretty exclusive contest - if you've got one, you've probably got a good chance of winning!
Lastly, courtesy indirectly of TCU, and directly of Manmade, a reminder that a fair while back Garrett Reynolds was better than almost everyone else is today.
It's been a while since Randy Taylor's had an all-out banger section, so it's always good to see this again!
A bit of S&M for you too. I'm too kind.
If you've got a WTP Warrior frame, go here to win some stuff. Pretty exclusive contest - if you've got one, you've probably got a good chance of winning!
Lastly, courtesy indirectly of TCU, and directly of Manmade, a reminder that a fair while back Garrett Reynolds was better than almost everyone else is today.
Monday, December 07, 2009
You want Eclat stuff? Pijin's got what you need. New drop of Eclat stuff is up on the site now, including the delightfully awesome looking Gonzo seats. Been waiting for them to come out for a while now, somewhat typically after I just bought a different seat. I lose...

Anyways, someone who loses in the pedalling fast at stuff stakes is Liam Fahy-Hampton. His Run At Me Slut section was amazing (click the tag at the bottom to find it), and this one's pretty cool too.
Dan Lacey has a video interview up on Woozy - click here for the text and photos, and click Play to watch it, I guess. I had to watch it on mute which kinda doesn't work for a video interview, so it's quality is unknown to me at the time of writing. Sorry...
Photos of Mike Aitken's first rail went up a few days ago, now his first up-rail too? Boom.

For more photos, and the chance to see Tate Roskelley with a real big fish, click here.
Laaaaaastly, a bit of history - Eli Platt made a name for himself with this video, then went on to make the awesome Micreation vid too, and then featured in a bunch of other cool videos of various descriptions. Trooper. Watch and enjoy...

Anyways, someone who loses in the pedalling fast at stuff stakes is Liam Fahy-Hampton. His Run At Me Slut section was amazing (click the tag at the bottom to find it), and this one's pretty cool too.
Dan Lacey has a video interview up on Woozy - click here for the text and photos, and click Play to watch it, I guess. I had to watch it on mute which kinda doesn't work for a video interview, so it's quality is unknown to me at the time of writing. Sorry...
Photos of Mike Aitken's first rail went up a few days ago, now his first up-rail too? Boom.

For more photos, and the chance to see Tate Roskelley with a real big fish, click here.
Laaaaaastly, a bit of history - Eli Platt made a name for himself with this video, then went on to make the awesome Micreation vid too, and then featured in a bunch of other cool videos of various descriptions. Trooper. Watch and enjoy...
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Retro reference.
I was going to track down the DIC "I made this" jingle on Youtube so I could put it up before linking you to the P5 jam write-up I did on Streetphire, but, well... too late, I guess? Photos are poor 'cos I just took a camera up with me, no lights and fancy gizmos. Blag it.

Lurking TheComeUp, I happened to catch a glimpse of the Brad Simms interview, and the accompanying New York webvideo that I hadn't seen first time round. Well, it's late, but it's amazing:
I mean, really...
Speaking of webvideos - last time I saw, Micky Marshall was on FBM, but apparently isn't any more. Que? This is his Orchid webvid anyway.
It features that turndown gap too. The weird curved wallride setup near the start also reminded me that some builders make amazing stuff, reaffirming my belief that quality street (tasty sweets) can exist having just ridden the damp, drizzly wasteland that is Preston.
I need to go and play pool now, so as a 'final thought', I'll end with this - why try and make a chain stronger if it's fundamentally flawed (if you want the strongest chain possible, I wouldn't imagine it'd be composed of half-links)? Weird... Come back to me when you've got the real chain version of this and we'll talk, eh?

Found that on TheComeUp too. Yeah, I'm a cheater.

Lurking TheComeUp, I happened to catch a glimpse of the Brad Simms interview, and the accompanying New York webvideo that I hadn't seen first time round. Well, it's late, but it's amazing:
I mean, really...
Speaking of webvideos - last time I saw, Micky Marshall was on FBM, but apparently isn't any more. Que? This is his Orchid webvid anyway.
It features that turndown gap too. The weird curved wallride setup near the start also reminded me that some builders make amazing stuff, reaffirming my belief that quality street (tasty sweets) can exist having just ridden the damp, drizzly wasteland that is Preston.
I need to go and play pool now, so as a 'final thought', I'll end with this - why try and make a chain stronger if it's fundamentally flawed (if you want the strongest chain possible, I wouldn't imagine it'd be composed of half-links)? Weird... Come back to me when you've got the real chain version of this and we'll talk, eh?

Found that on TheComeUp too. Yeah, I'm a cheater.
Friday, December 04, 2009
Photo update?
Not mine!
First up, a load of awesome from Keith Romanowski over on ESPN. Man, that background looks bad...

Deluxe have put up a sort of photo of an advert:

Rich Forne/Wilson has a bit of a feature up on Ride about what he's up to these days, got some cool photos with it too. Read it!
In non-video news, in my brief hiatus from the BMX world, I'd sort of forgotten how incredibly ridiculous the internet BMX drama scene is. From people involved with magazines making unintentionally (but brutally) ironic statements to people fabricating 'issues' with other riders, it's something I'd not missed. This video was up on TCU, where the video was followed by 'I foresee this getting a lot of negative comments' - it just makes you wonder what people really have going on with their lives if they've got time for stuff like that... Anyway, this video's got some pretty rad riding in it. Yes, it's goof, and yes, it's not filmed that well, but the video's still pretty sweet.
Lastly, 'cos I'm going to be late for dropping the kids off at the pool if I hang around much longer, FBM have some new products that you can view by clicking on that there link...
First up, a load of awesome from Keith Romanowski over on ESPN. Man, that background looks bad...

Deluxe have put up a sort of photo of an advert:

Rich Forne/Wilson has a bit of a feature up on Ride about what he's up to these days, got some cool photos with it too. Read it!
In non-video news, in my brief hiatus from the BMX world, I'd sort of forgotten how incredibly ridiculous the internet BMX drama scene is. From people involved with magazines making unintentionally (but brutally) ironic statements to people fabricating 'issues' with other riders, it's something I'd not missed. This video was up on TCU, where the video was followed by 'I foresee this getting a lot of negative comments' - it just makes you wonder what people really have going on with their lives if they've got time for stuff like that... Anyway, this video's got some pretty rad riding in it. Yes, it's goof, and yes, it's not filmed that well, but the video's still pretty sweet.
Lastly, 'cos I'm going to be late for dropping the kids off at the pool if I hang around much longer, FBM have some new products that you can view by clicking on that there link...
Keith Romanowski,
Ride UK
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Open my e-mail account.
Drop one.
Follow link.
Watch video.
Go to for more videos.
Drop one.
Follow link.
Watch video.
Go to for more videos.
Carhartt win.
(Helpful edit: Auto-running videos need to stop. In any case, about 4 videos down that Profile video's going to start blaring away so you might wanna scoot down the page, nip that in the bud, then head back up here and begin reading...)
It's really no surprise Rich Wilson (or Forne depending on where you look/who you speak to?) won the Nike Apprenticeship with skills like these! The dude's awesome at making videos, this is no exception. A pretty different take on indoor park videos, so no doubt the interwebs are going to be flooded with copy-cat edits asap. You know it'll happen...
Niki was riding the P5 jam with some "RIP Broady Banks" stickers on his bike, commemorating the recently merked Nottingham spot. To give you an inkling about what the spot was like, here's a section from The Make's What's What DVD with some classic footage from there.
I can't remember whether this Mulville video got posted out, but basically the dude utterly rules so any content is good content. This video is a bit older, and this Profile video is... well... newer? Anyway, here's two videos of Mark Mulville.
I shamelessly copied those videos from Deluxe.
Oh, and in other news that's very much less interesting from my point of view, Jake Daw is now riding for Stereo BMX, who aren't Stereo set up by My Name Is Earl star Jason Lee. I mean really - there are a katrillion different words in the English language, I'm sure they could've found something else? "Publish"? "Post"? "Save"? "Now"? "Draft"? "Autosaved"? Just a few that spring to mind...
That's Jake riding, anyway. Enjoy it if you're into that parky biz.
It's really no surprise Rich Wilson (or Forne depending on where you look/who you speak to?) won the Nike Apprenticeship with skills like these! The dude's awesome at making videos, this is no exception. A pretty different take on indoor park videos, so no doubt the interwebs are going to be flooded with copy-cat edits asap. You know it'll happen...
Niki was riding the P5 jam with some "RIP Broady Banks" stickers on his bike, commemorating the recently merked Nottingham spot. To give you an inkling about what the spot was like, here's a section from The Make's What's What DVD with some classic footage from there.
I can't remember whether this Mulville video got posted out, but basically the dude utterly rules so any content is good content. This video is a bit older, and this Profile video is... well... newer? Anyway, here's two videos of Mark Mulville.
I shamelessly copied those videos from Deluxe.
Oh, and in other news that's very much less interesting from my point of view, Jake Daw is now riding for Stereo BMX, who aren't Stereo set up by My Name Is Earl star Jason Lee. I mean really - there are a katrillion different words in the English language, I'm sure they could've found something else? "Publish"? "Post"? "Save"? "Now"? "Draft"? "Autosaved"? Just a few that spring to mind...
That's Jake riding, anyway. Enjoy it if you're into that parky biz.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Well, after some 'exclusive content' (if that's what people still call it!), need to revert back to some reposted stuff. There appear to be a range of cool videos out today, which is all good.
Firstly, the Levis team mix. It's obviously going to be good, but damn, Jamie Bestwick is beyond amazing.
Kevin Kiraly generally produces some pretty amazing videos, and this one's pretty sweet even though it is purely park (boo, hiss). The brakeless flip to manny - taking it back to the old school Owain Clegg steez?
Another person it's always cool to see ride is Hoang Tran (That San Diego edit with the remix of Born To Be Wild on is too good!), so it was cool to see this pop up on my feed today, over on Odyssey's site.
In non-video news, the P5 jam at Newcastle went down this weekend - the setup was insane, and the riding was pretty nutso too. Every time I see Niki Croft ride it makes me want to ride better. The dude's amazing. Here's a little teaser anyway, more pics up on Streetphire asap!
Firstly, the Levis team mix. It's obviously going to be good, but damn, Jamie Bestwick is beyond amazing.
Levi's® Clip of the Week - Team Mix 2009 - More BMX Videos
Kevin Kiraly generally produces some pretty amazing videos, and this one's pretty sweet even though it is purely park (boo, hiss). The brakeless flip to manny - taking it back to the old school Owain Clegg steez?
Another person it's always cool to see ride is Hoang Tran (That San Diego edit with the remix of Born To Be Wild on is too good!), so it was cool to see this pop up on my feed today, over on Odyssey's site.
In non-video news, the P5 jam at Newcastle went down this weekend - the setup was insane, and the riding was pretty nutso too. Every time I see Niki Croft ride it makes me want to ride better. The dude's amazing. Here's a little teaser anyway, more pics up on Streetphire asap!

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