Joe has always been the pretty boy of Pijin. His presence on Saturdays always seems to attract the emo girls into the shop - it's the hair that does it everyime! Now he gets his own monthly column in Sugar Magazine! He's already been to a photo shoot up in London, so expect to see his column appear in the next issue. So grab your sister's copy of Sugar to see what it's all about! Can't wait. xxx LOL
Our website has been down for over a week now. Just to reassure everyone that Pijin is alive and well. I've just not had time to fix it as I've been tied down with my other job. Anyways, the problem was due to a faulty router to our server... A nice girlie gave me a brand spanking new one for free this morning which I got promptly installed and running - so everything is working again. Yay!
Have spent the last 6 months away from Pijin (during weekdays) but I should be returning back in October. Been helping with a new website for THQ Games which went live yesterday! Just a few more bits to do and I will be a free man again! No more long days looking at the computer screen... just building bikes and wheels. Bliss! :)
Hmm... been lazy on the blog updates again. Didn't know what to write. Slosh suggested writing one titled "Slosh kills Emerald Weapon!"... I might write that one later... keep checking back!
So what's happening this week then? Here goes...
The annual Shirley Warren Jam is happening this Sunday. Good luck to everyone entering! You might even win a prize donated by us. :) Haven't decided what to give yet though...
We're in the process of building 2 Pijin custom bikes at the moment. One is a high end money doesn't matter bike and the other is gonna be a bit more affordable. Been arguing with Carlos and James about what parts to put on... in the end, we had to resort to pulling votes out of a hat. Pictures coming soon once we've managed to build them up!