Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to...

I think I posted up Chase Hawk's prototype signature Cult (Apparently the graphics say 'CVLT', but bearing in mind we've now worked out how to include curves in type-faces I'm still going with 'Cult') frame before, but Adam from TCU just threw up some links to Dakota Roche and Chase Dehart's setups. Not super keen myself, but then again my ideas about frames probably aren't the same as you.

Click here to see more of Dakota's setup, and here for Chase Dehart's.

Having lived by South Bank for 3 years, I got pretty used to having a decent under-cover winter spot. Unfortunately, I then moved to Newcastle (pre warehouse setup) where it rained all the time and had no under-cover spot after the death of Get Carter, and now I'm in Mid Wales where it's just rainy and snowy, with no covered over spot. Luckily for Alex Kennedy, he's got a pretty ideal Sainsburys car park to get rad in, which he does in this video. Some pretty cool stuff on the go here:

While we're on riding videos, Josh Betley's section from something I don't know about called "Gotta Blast". Regardless, here it is:

Lastly, this is a video featuring a rider, but isn't a riding video. You'll see:

Taken from BMXWonderland (Which I'd never heard of before), via Defgrip.

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