It must be a pretty amazing feeling to get to roll around on a bike again after all he's been through. Good luck with everything, Mike!
In other news...
It's interesting to compare styles of video that are based on a fairly similar format. Both of these videos (One featuring Stephen Moxley, one featuring Josh Betley and Kevin Kirally) are park based, yet I'm way more into one than the other. Have a guess.
Steven Moxley Endeavorbmx Edit from Justen Soule on Vimeo.
If that's a bit of a park overload for you, click here to check out a cool Profile trails vid.
Hanson Little, who rides for Mutiny, has the cover of the new Dig:

Looks pretty rad, and if you click around on the Mutiny and Dig site you can see some of the spreads from the mag which look sweet as hell. Like they said on the Mutiny site, give print some love and pick up a copy - Dig are getting it spot on these days.
Steven Hamilton's section in Can I Eat is one of his most talked about sections (And with good reason), but his part in All Day was pretty rad too. And, in fact, here it is:
Animal All Day - Steven Hamilton from Animal Bikes on Vimeo.
Reason I'm posting this, aside from him being my Favourite Rider Of All Time™, is that Animal have a new Vimeo channel up with all their old videos on - well worth checking out!
Right now, I've got a pizza that's almost cooked and a Wales - France game to watch, so ciao for now...