Sunday, August 29, 2010

How refreshing!

Certainly a "Love or hate" kinda person, Tom "Dang Dang" Dugan's Props bio is pretty cool. This is from #72 so not really that fresh, but got uploaded by Props a few days ago. Nice to see someone cranking at stuff, doing some different things and just plain sending it. Edit's pretty interesting too, and actually features some form of biographical information too which is a definite bonus. Refreshing change to the editing-by-numbers schtick everyone else pumps out these days.

Go to for more videos.

Saw that over on LeastMost.

I didn't see this there though, this was on the Mutiny site. Safe Nath is abroad at the moment, and here's a couple of not-much-fun looking crashes and a couple of cool lines from over there.

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