Monday, December 20, 2010


I find it pretty interesting that on the same day that "Next big thing" (according to the cover of Ride) Alex Coleborn drops this Shootin.It edit, the embedded video of Ruben below popped up. I don't mean that in a disrespectful way to Alex or anything because the guy's clearly got ability, but just watching Ruben ride, and talking about riding, you just know he's BMX and in it for the long haul. Effortless style, moves that you just know would've felt super nice to pull (as in the move itself being the fun part, rather than the fun part coming afterwards knowing you'd done some superdoublewhopper combo), a refreshing view on spots to ride and so on - it's just what BMX really means. The fact the guy's still this good when so many have burst into the spotlight then faded away, and although I hate to use the phrase, the way he's still 'relevant' to today's riding - the whole gap-to-wallride tip that everyone's been on recently has got to be attributed to his section in Grounded unless there just happens to be a massive coincidence - is cool, but the way that he's still coming up with new stuff that's a lot more creative and innovative than almost anyone else out there is awesome. Being able to do that after not being able to ride properly for the past 5 years, and having a year that he describes as being that bad, is so good. Long live Ruben. And yeah, there's the trademark hip tabez in there too. Enjoy...

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