Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Dig are apparently not quite up to date (which makes a change, 'cos their new "Something new on the site every day" thing's meant they're making the news, not re-posting it) today, in that in the Randy Taylor bikecheck they posted online an hour and a bit ago they list his parts sponsor as Demolition, yet that isn't the case any more. Hand-bags at dawn?

In other bikecheck - how interesting - news, Justin Inman's got a bikecheck up on Ride US. That is one pimp setup, although I spent the whole time thinking "2.3" on the back and 2.25" on the front? That's gotta feel weird..."

Lastly, Orchid made it into Maxim?! Pretty crazy, although those shoes do look pretty sweet. If they were actually vulc soles I'd probably have bought every existing pair of UK10's that are available. Subtle hint for free product? Always on the look-out...

1 comment:

trask said...

hadn't seen that tailwhip shot yet. that is f-in ridiculous!