SF1 from Lotek on Vimeo.
Fit are also road-tripping, this time down the East Coast. No ECCD in site, so yeah, different crew this time. Check out their site for more photos, plus this image showing the new Chase Hawk graphics:

Apparently bigger is better for Fit?
Project5's Lynched In Leicester jam took place yesterday, and after a 12am invite, I got up at 6am and made my way to my meet-up point with H-Man. Jam was really amazing, put some top qual' mobile phone photos up on Style43 along with some word-age.
Don't think I've mentioned it yet, but yeah, Wiz is on Eastern, of all people. I'm sure there's a reason there somewhere. Head over to EasternBikes to check out a generic press release.
Talking about yet more ch-ch-ch-changes (Like the Bowie quote?) Leicester-destroying Niki Croft is now hooked up on Vans having been on Orchid for aaaaaages. Hint: Don't ever play Knuckles against Niki. I witnessed him reduce Daison and Waffle (Two Hastings shredders) almost to tears with his display of dominance yesterday. I'm pretty sure if Niki and Morgan Wade had a game of knuckles, the world would end, or it'd at least generate the Evil Twin of Chuck Norris or something...
Tate Roskelley had an amazing section in 50:50's "That's It" DVD (Buy a copy now, seriously - Mike Aitken's section. Wow.), and now he's got a vid up on Fit's site (Why didn't I put that earlier?). If you were wondering what his intro to That's It is like, it's basically this video...
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