Name: Stoked On Being Pumped
Editor: Joe Simon
Running time: Main feature - approx. 30mins
Price: £6.99 (Regular quality) or £27.99 (Blu-Ray)
S.O.B.P. Trailer:
S.O.B.P. Z-roll footage (Defgrip Exclusive)
Since Gaz and Joe took over Mutiny, it's been pretty clear that they want to make sure they do everything just right. From re-designing the graphics/feel of the company from the ground up, to creating some of the best new frames and products out there, they've achieved that goal.
Similarly, when it came to making their video, they didn't cut any corners. Starting off by making sure that quality-wise it was going to be 100%, they've been filming exclusively with HD cameras (The lower quality SD footage they gathered before is available in a mix in the Bonus section - nice touch!). They've also flown the majority of their team to be out with them in Austin and the US, so Matt Roe, Niki Croft, Josh Bedford and some others have been getting all jet-set for the vid. They even set up a website just for the vid: Pro!
However, BMX history is littered with companies who threw all the resources they had at making a decent video, and failed spectacularly (Naming no names...). Fortunately, Mutiny haven't.
The video follows a pretty loose format, with a seamless flow between mix sections and rider sections. It feels similar to the Lotek Mixtape, in a good way. The one thing you notice watching it through though is that this isn't a banger-filled vid - although they do drop some - but it seems to be out more to give you the vibe of the company itself, which I personally think is a pretty cool way of going about business. Most of their team have featured in a good few videos before (ranging from Voices to V-Club: Overexposed, from Chill Bro to Grounded), so we know they've all got talent, but this video's about more than that. Because of this, it seems to be more of a 'feel good' video. Again, I mean that in a good way! I usually rate how good videos are by how much they make me want to ride, but S.O.B.P. made me want to ride, but much more. The summery feeling from the Texan sunshine that pervades through the video makes you dream of it being summer again (Not being -3°C and damp); it makes you want to travel around more; it makes you want to just chill out with friends.
So to recap all that - if you're looking for non-stop tricks, you're probably looking in the wrong place. If you didn't 'get' the T1 You Get What You Get video, you probably won't 'get' this either, and that's a shame. A lot of the time it seems people try to just shut out anything in BMX apart from the riding itself, when there's so much more available - amazing places, people and situations that you'll experience, and Stoked On Being Pumped really gets those points across well, despite featuring amazing riding from the likes of Matt Roe, Niki Croft, Ryan Smith, Justin Simpson and several others. I only hope Hanson Little's wrists and ankles felt as good as I did after watching the vid!
All in all, the editing, music, riding and vibe from the Mutiny vid is perfect. Yes, it's not all that long and yes, it's not all the latest tricks from around the world, but it's just a good, honest video that really sums up what Mutiny is about, which for me, is the whole point of a team video.
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