Thursday, September 04, 2008

"It's Or-kid"

No joke. Someone actually asked me where I got my "Or-chids" (Like Orchard, but not) when I was at South Bank once.

In related news, new brown Porter V1 colourway. Expect to see V2 soon.

I think they need to basically just make every model they do in brown, with a black and white colourway too, and they'd be set.

I know you're thinking "Hmm, Mark usually posts at 4am. Why on Earth is he posting this up at early o'clock in the morning?" Well, the reason is is that I was thinking to myself "Man, I wonder what Niels Thanild rides these days", to the extent that I couldn't actually sleep. Luckily, I came down to the computer and found that Fat have a Bikecheck up with Niels T.

Note: The previous story may not be 100% accurate.

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