His bike is pretty tricked out with customised parts and some very inovative ideas, all manufactured by Mark himself - Here's his parts list
Frame - WTP Electro (temp)
Forks - Odyssey Race
Bars - Proper Proclaimer
Stem - Coalition
Grips - A Bikes Edwin
Front wheel - Green Proper Magnalites, Drilled right through
Tyres - KHE Premium Street, Mac1.5 on the rear and mac2 up front
Pegs - Green Tree Pegs
Seat - Macneil Pivotal SL with wedge mod
Cranks - Primo Hollowbites
Pedals - Welgo Magnesium
Sprocket - Macneil Primary Sprocket
Chain - KHE Collapse
Brake - Fly Bikes, Snafu Mobeus Gyro, Odyssey small lever
And here's some of his modifications -

Don't you just hate having bottom bracket bearings floating around your frame? Drill a hole or two in the bottom of your frame and worry no more. also note the grip flange between the sprocket and bottom bracket shell, this allows Mark run stiff cranks without over-tightening the bearings or having silly tension on the chain - perfect for whips.

Neat lil hubguard, made from a cut down fly peg. Which all adds up to a light but still darn strong bike. It's almost as tough as Mark!
Like what you see? All parts available in our online shop ;) Except that Primary Sprocket, that's mine...
The bike weighs in at just 19 lbs! Now that's light...
Looks like he did a real pro job on the hole in the bb shell lol
if mark had gun's like mine he wouldn't need such a light bike!!ha
ronnie remo.
wtp electro frame?
hey do you have any pics of just the dropouts looks like he has cut them down and shapped them alot, also i would really like to see some more pictures about his brake mod
is that a wtp electro frame
whats the link to the online bike shop?
whats the link to the online bike shop? i wanna buy this shit.
How much is it worth altogether
is it just me or are his pedals completely flat?
how dose the frame cost looking too buy
The Elecktro retails for £270...
yea! webbie this guy is a legend!!!!!!
thats a sick bike but thats not every part is it?
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