Sunday, December 07, 2008

Top 10 things this week...

Well, I've got a laptop again, and therefore access to the Internet. As a result of missing a fair bit of Blog-updating-time due to a heady mix of loads of uni work and loads of computer hassles, I thought I'd just do a Top Ten list for things I thought were cool recently.

1. Micreation have been a firm favourite of mine ever since that Eli Platt web-vid. Everything they produce is generally pretty top qual', so it was cool to see they've got a DVD on the way. It would've been cool if Ian Schwartz had had a part (Seeing as he used to have a signature shirt 'n' all), but they've got Joe Cox and Brad Simms in there, so beggars can't be choosers. Here's the trailer:

2. Chris Doyle. Chris Doyle. Chris Doyle. Chris Doyle.

3. I've made a few friends in fairly unusual and pretty random situations due to BMX, and Josh is one of them. I really enjoy seeing new footage from him ('specially in Electronical), so it was cool to see this new video from Josh and Kyle.

In case you were wondering what he's riding, here's Josh's bike.

4. WTP winning Ride To Glory, and therefore going on the trip again next year.

Ride to Glory - Wethepeople >>

5. Kink's new video. Since the Props 68 video came out, I've learnt to expect big things from Kink. Whereas they seemed to have a post-Jim C era lull, they're definitely back on it now with a rad team. As a direct result, their team video rules. Plenty of amazing riding from all kinds of people, and the best part is that it's all a mix of street, park and trails. Refreshing to see in the world of foot high ledges, XXXL t's and "gangsta" rap on repeat. This is unrelated, but here's a new release from Kink. Buy their DVD, it's in the Shop!

Kink 08 French Trip from JB on Vimeo.

6. Alex Liiv: 'nuff said.

7. Megatour8 trailer. The first Megatour that I might actually buy? Who can say!

8. This probably should've been number 1, so just imagine I swapped them round - RIDING! It feels so good to be out riding again after not being able to for quite a while. It definitely makes you appreciate any time you do get to have a roll around, so if you're just sitting at home bored and it's not raining, head out now and get some riding in!

9. Finding a PrettyShady video up. Good times! (For trails dudes, if you're that desperate to ride, Newport indoor park has a set of 2 fairly large, fairly steep jumpboxes in a row so it's almost like trails...)

10. I remembered seeing a video by Kevin Kiraly ages ago that I thought was pretty rad, and it seemed strange how he was so unknown, despite being incredibly good. Here's yet more proof.

Go to BNQT for more videos.

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