Dedicated BMX only shop based in Southampton in the sunny South of England!
Saturday, December 06, 2008
As some of you may know already, this is the new parts company run by the guys behind Wethepeople. One thing that I hate seeing are bike companies that just stick their own logo on generic components from Taiwanese bike factories and sell them as if they designed them. So it really is refreshing and exciting to see a company like éclat. Ok, so their stuff might not be to everybody's tastes, but at least a bit more thought and work has gone in to designing the parts and it's not stuff that other people have already brought out.
Interesting facts you might not know:
éclat is french for "shine".
éclat is pronounced "eclair" - like the chocolate covered fresh cream filled variety. yum!
They are the only company to charge different prices for their sprockets. Bigger ones are more expensive than little ones! I guess this makes sense, as there is more material on the bigger ones, and more machining time is required.
Whilst most brake pads feature rubber over a steel retainer, the éclat pads are the only ones I know of that use an aluminium retainer. Probably something that would go unnoticed to most people but I'm sure will give the weight freaks sweaty palms. :P
man, I do not know where you got that éclat was pronouced "eclair".. I'm from Quebec, I speak french and it sounds like " EH-CLAH". Nothing near eclair.
I can vouch for the awesomeness of the padded Webster seats too ;-)
man, I do not know where you got that éclat was pronouced "eclair"..
I'm from Quebec, I speak french and it sounds like " EH-CLAH". Nothing near eclair.
I don't speak French but Dave from Hotwheels told me it was pronounced like that! My blame is on Dave. :P
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