Monday, May 02, 2011


Man, go away for another weekend and so much good stuff gets posted... Here's a quick re-cap of some treats.

Scott Ditchburn's part of the new Lotek mixtape is now up. Wonder if that first clip was a nod to the intro of the old (and awesome!) Lotek Mixtape?

Tammy has got another awesome edit out - machine! - this time for Amity.

In a slight contrast to those two vids, here's a more chilled out pair - firstly Clint Reynolds, and secondly Tom Dugan.

Then totally different to all of those - Sean Sexton and Chase Hawk took a trip to the Cayman Islands to shoot an article for Ride and get a video for Odyssey. You'll need to get Ride for the photos and text, but click below for the vid...

Defgrip have also put up Pt.2 of their Photographers feature - click here to ch-ch-ch-ch-check it.

Lastly, here's a section from Props that contains some cool riding but also an ability to completely change your internal elocution for rider's names.

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