Dedicated BMX only shop based in Southampton in the sunny South of England!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Junction Nine.
During last Spring/Summer, myself and Jack Evershed started up myspace page called Junction Nine to share our local scene's (the surrounding areas of junction nine, hence the name) photos/videos/news etc... Well, some of you may have added us a friend on Myspace, and read our blogs, looked at our photos and watch our videos of a fun fullfilled Spring/Summer. Well, over this Winter/Autumn, the page kind of died down until no blogs were being produced due to short days, bad weather and me and Jack being caved in by coursework. In the mean time, I have been helping John and Mark with the worldwide news of bmx, but, Junction Nine is making a come back, but on Blogspot. Good weather and longer evenings mean more photos and videos, more trips and more news. So, if you're interested in the local scene, check out here for the new J9 page.
Heres a video Jack made of Tim from the weekend. Check!
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