You may have noticed Carlos' arse for 3 issues running in Ride (apolygies for that). I didn't realise the advert would cause so many complaints. Rest assured, I will put up a different one next issue. LoL
Anyways, here's the advert for Dig 63 which I submitted sometime back in January, so hopefully should be in print some time soon!
You have the Westlake brothers to thanks for this one! :D
I know it would of taken alot longer but the ones with the products looked good !!!!! lewis
Yo guys.. yeah i noticed you aint been doing normal ad's for the last few ride mags.. also read the small print too haha ;)
If you ever need a hand on ad's hit me up at adam.beevers@tiscali.co.uk cos im pretty good at that sorta stuff and need a bit of experience i can mention in my CV ;)
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